Right Of Self Determination - Give Back For The PATANIAN Entire Land

Sabtu, Maret 08, 2014

Patani: Hari Perempuan Internasional


Hari perempuan internasional atau sedunia yang jatuh tanggal 8 March memiliki arti makna dalam sejarah yang panjang tersebut, tergambar atau terekam berbagai peran para Perempuan untuk melakukan sebuah perubahan yang mengubah sejarah dunia. 

Perayaan hari perempuan sedunia memang masih asing di Thailand Selatan, belum begitu banyak kegiatan yang dilakukan masyarakat atau Mahasiswa-siswi seperti aksi turun ke jalan saat memperingati hari-hari yang serupa ini.

Mahasiswi di Selatan Thailand Memperingati ''International Women Day' 2012.

Belum tuntas bangsa ini berbenah diri atas segala kemelut yang membelenggu nasib etnis Melayu Patani di negeri yang terlatak di Asia Tenggara, Malah harus melihat pemberitaan sosok yang terancam pembunuhan, rogol, penganiaan, pelanggaran HAM Berat dan sebagainya. 

Sebagian masyarakat etnis Melayu di Selatan Thailand mungkin sudah bosan dan enggan mendengar kasus yang terus-menerus menimpa warga negaranya. Mulai dari kasus pembunuhan, perkosaan, penyiksaan, pelecehan seksual, selalu ada saja kasus serupa.

Masyarakat Melayu di provinsi selatan tidak mengerti banyak tentang hukum, dan tidak mengerti bagaimana keluar dari problematika yang kini mengancam nyawanya.

Sejumlah upaya dan penanganan yang dilakukan pemerintah Thailand sendiri pun seakan tidak menemukan jalan keluar, kehilangan akal dan bahkan badan yang berbasis pada pelayanan dan perlindungan yang aman dan damai pun tumpul dan berkarat di saat mencuatnya kasus dari diskriminasi dan penindasan yang di lakukan oleh aparat tentera kerajaan. 

Permasalahan isu kekerasan di Selatan Thailand dirumitkan lagi dengan tindakan pasukan tentera pemerintah Thailand yang meninggalkan begitu saja 1.000 wanita Melayu muslimah setelah pelecehan seksual dan  menjalin intim atau menikah dengan mereka.

Pada 22 Januari lalu, seorang prajurit Thailand yang bernama Winai bertemu dengan korban, menggoda korban lalu membawanya ke suatu tempat terpencil di sebuah rumah sakit dekat pos kontrol militer.

Lalu terjadilah pemerkosaan yang direkam seorang lagi tentara pemerintah bernama Yot. Meskipun remaja itu jelas mencoba menyembunyikan mukanya dari kamera. Prebet Winai tersenyum dan tertawa sementara Prebet Yot memberi semangat kepada rekannya.

Setelah itu, Yot mengirim vidio tersebut kepada teman-temannya yang akhirnya sampai diterima rekan korban. Vidio tersebut disampaikan ke orang tua korban yang kemudian mengadu ke pihak berwenang.

Keselamatan perempuan dari perkosaan, penyiksaan, pelecehan seksual oleh aparat tentera kerajaan Thailand selalu ada. Semakin hari semakin berkurang, bahkan memburuk terjadi. Sebagaimana yang telah terjadi beberapa waktu lalu di sebuah kampung di Thailand Selatan. Satu pasukan masuk ke sebuah kampung dan menuju ke sebuah rumah, kemudian menembak kepala keluarga, di dalam rumah tersebut.

Salah seorang anak perempuanya dapat menyelamatkan diri, namun yang satu lagi ditangkap dengan tidak ada perikemanusiaan lagi, dia dirogol dan di bunuh. Sedangkan si Ibu melarikan diri menuju rumah adiknya.

Dia dan adiknya pingsan ketika melihat dua anak adiknya di tembak. Kekejaman tidak berhenti sampai disitu saja, mereka ditutup dengan selimut dan dibakar.

Sebelum pasukan itu pergi dari tempat itu mereka menembak rumah-rumah secara membabi buta. Bisa kita bayangkan betapa mirisnya kejadian tersebut. Namun, itu hanya satu contoh dari sekian banyak kekejaman yang menimpa terhadap etnis Melayu Patani di Selatan Thailand.

8 March, Women’s Day in Southern Thailand!

"Anyone who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval. Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included"- Karl Marx

Bangkit, Berlawan
Berduka dan Menggugat Kerajaan Thailand atas kegagalannya mengakhiri kekerasan terhadap Perempuan sejak tercetus Konflik di Selatan Thailand, Gadis di Perkosa oleh Tentera Kerajaan Thai, diskriminasi dan berbagai situasi ketidakadilan, persoalan penindasan terhadap Kaum Perempuan oleh pihak Tentera Kerajaan.

Dengan ini, 
Pada hari ini, kita menyampaikan kekaguman kepada para Perempuan Pemberani. Perempuan yang Aktif dalam Melawan Ketidakadilan serta memperjuangkan tinggi Hak Asasi Manusia dan juga menjadi inspirasi bagi perempuan semua. Kita tidak akan berhasil mengatasi tantangan yang kita hadapi yang berkaitan dengan Lingkungan Hidup, Keamanan, Kedamaian, Kesejahteraan, dan lainnya, jika Perempuan tidak dilibatkan pada setiap tingkatan masyarakat.

Bahwa kemajuan hak-hak kaum perempuan dapat dianggap sebagai salah satu 'Revolusi Sosial' paling mendalam yang terjadi di Masyarakar sekarang ini. Bukti tentang apa yang dapat diraih kaum perempuan untuk keluarga mereka dan masyarakat, walaupun sering mengalami keadaan yang paling sulit, jika mereka diberi kesempatan. Kekuatan dan kebijaksanaan kaum perempuan masih merupakan Sumber Daya terdahsyat bagi umat manusia yang belum terjamah. Kita tidak bisa menunggu 100 tahun lagi untuk membuka potensi ini. 

Dimanakah suara keadilan yang menegakan Hak Asasi Manusia khususnya Hak Asasi Perempuan dan Kanak-kanak yang terwujudnya masyarakat demokratis yang menjunjung tinggi Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) khususnya Hak Asasi Perempuan (HAP) dan Kanak-kanak. 

Dengan menjamin nilai-nilai sebuah Negara yang Demokrasi, Keadilan, Kesetaraan, Anti Kekerasan, Keterbukaan dan Anti Diskriminasi bagi Hak Asasi Perempuan (HAP) dan Kanak-kanak. 

Jumat, Maret 07, 2014

HAM di Selatan Mendapat Aksi Otoritarian Aparat Kerajaan

Di sinilah tampak beda pandangan antara penguasa Siam-Thailand dan masyarakat Etnis Melayu Patani di bahgian Selatan negara itu. Pemerintah menilai apa yang dilakukan gerakan Aktivis dan NGO yang mempedulikan HAM (Hak Asasi Manusia) di bahgian Selatan Thai merupakan aksi menjelek-jelekkan pihaknya. Sebaliknya, Aktivis dan NGO menyebutkan sebagai kebebasan berekspresi dan upaya untuk mengingatkan pemerintah atas kekeliruan yang sudah dilakukan.

Thailand kini memang bukan Thailand di bawah pemerintahan militer yang tidak demokratis. Tetapi faktanya di bawah pemerintahan sipil oleh seorang PM wanita pertama di Thailand Yingluck pun masih muncul kritik seperti dilontarkan  Aktivis di sana. Jadi, demokrasi memang tidak serta-merta sempurna. Sebenarnyalah demokrasi sendiri merupakan satu proses, bahkan mungkin proses belajar yang panjang.
Yang penting sebetulnya asal semua pihak terus bisa teguh pada tujuan hidup bersama, dan menerima kritik pihak lain sebagai hal yang wajar, dan secara positif menjadikan itu sebagai masukan dan bahan koreksi.
Kini kita malah mendengar pengawai kerajaan Negeri Gajah Putih ini sering menyebut laporan Aktivis HAM Thailand Selatan kurang mempertimbangkan dampaknya bagi citra negara. Tetapi kalau memang Thailand teguh dengan proses demokratisasi-nya, maka munculnya laporan yang keras itu pun tidak perlu ditanggapi dengan aksi otoritarian (เผด็จการ) lain. Sebaliknya,  Kerajaan Thai seyogianya malah mau berintrospeksi.

Kita juga bisa mengungkapkan kembali bahwa secara alamiah-sebagaimana dikemukakan Lord Acton tahun 1887-kekuasaan cenderung korup. Kita telah banyak menyaksikan dalam sejarah, termasuk sejarah Bangsa Siam sekarang ini, bagaimana kekuasaan yang semula menjanjikan demokrasi dan kemakmuran tidak lama kemudian runtuh ke dalam otoritarianisme, dalam godaan Ketidakadilan - Hukum Rimba yang ujungnya menjerumuskan negara dan bangsa itu ke dalam keterpurukan di saat ini.

Senin, Maret 03, 2014

Imam Masjid Ditembak Skuad Penembak Kematian Pemerintah

Undang-Undang Darurat Undang Lingkaran Setan

Seorang Imam Koree Abdullah (62) desa Kuji dan sebagai Guru Agama Darul Quran Nul- Karim atau terkenal dangan Pondok Pesatren Babo Mae dibunuh oleh dua orang pria bersenjata distrik Yaringgho provinsi Narathiwat pada Minggu pagi 02/02. Menurut laporan, serangan terjadi sekitar pukul 09:00 ketika Koree Abdullah, seorang imam di masjid desa Kuji bepergian bersama motokar dengan anaknya lelaki HAris (17) sepanjang Jalan menuju  ke sekolah tempat mereka mengajar.

Dua pria melepaskan tembakan kearahnya, Membunuh imam tersebut, manakala anaknya terdapat luka parah.

Undang-Undang Darurat Undang Lingkaran Setan

Organisasi hak asasi pernah mengkritik penerapan undang-undang darurat di bahgian provinsi selatan Thailand. Karena aturan ini memberi militer kekuasaan dan kewenangan yang terlalu besar. Penerapan undang-undang darurat mendorong terjadinya penyalahgunaan kekuasaan. 

Sunai Pathak dari Human Rights Watch dengan tegas mengatakan: ”Sejak sembilan tahun terakhir ada berbagai kasus yang tidak tuntas tentang pembunuhan ilegal, penyiksaan dan penculikan. Banyak orang diculik dan menghilang. Tidak ada pelaku yang dikenai sanksi.”

”Spiral kekerasan ini berputar makin lama makin cepat”, kata Sunai Pathak. ”Ini lingkaran setan”.

Yang paling menderita adalah penduduk setempat yang terperangkap di tengah lingkaran kekerasan ini. 90 persen korban kekerasan adalah warga sipil. ”Pemerintah harus menjamin, bahwa praktek-praktek ilegal semacam itu tidak dilakukan lagi. Dan kalau ini terjadi, pelakunya harus dihukum”, tegas Pathak.

Sepanduk Berkibar di Bahgian Selatan Thai

Sepanduk Berkibar di Bahgian Provinsi Selatan Thai 

dengan tulisan kata-kata "Kebiasaan Kerajaan Siam sejak dahulu lagi sering berlaku pembunuhan sesama sendiri dalam merebutkan kekuasaa. Apa pula dengan nasib terhadap RAKYAT PATANI"

Translation : The Siamese since the old days killed each other to gain power. The same was done to Patani people.

Sabtu, Maret 01, 2014



( From outside the fence of Patani - representing the Patani  Fighters on the dialogue table)
28 February 2014.

In the name of ALLAH, the Most Merciful ,the Most Compassionate

Mr. Chairman

Distinguished guests and speakers

Ladies and gentlemen

Assalamualaikum , peace be upon you

We wish to thank the organizer for providing space and opportunity for Patani fighters to voice their opinion on the Peace and Media Day Festival today at this prestigious venue.

It is incomplete for this important gathering if the voice of the Patani fighters is not heard . We have been  striving for years ,with sweat and blood , to defend the dignity of our race ,faith and  land of Patani Malay people. 

We would like to remind the audience that the Patani conflict is not just 10 years old. Rather, it is an ongoing political, historical and social conflict of more than 200 years. This means that the hardships and sufferings endured by the Patani Malays under Thai colonialism is much longer and more painful than the sufferings  of other ethnics of Patani, especially the Thai Buddhists  since 2004. We fight against the Thai colonialism, while the Thai people are NOT our enemies.

It also need to be reminded that we chose armed struggle because in the past the Thai state never listened to the peoples' plight. Our past leaders who fought through the Parliament or Human Rights  petitions were often subjected to arrest or imprisonment. Some were even murdered or went into exile. Sadly, the similar situation still exists today.

Ladies and gentlemen

The involvement of Patani fighters in peace process is not new. Prior to the current Kuala Lumpur Peace Process we have entered into other processes, unofficially, brokered by certain governments and the NGOs. However those  mentioned  processes ended as  soon as they started.  Just to mention a few names  like : Geneva , Bogor , Langkawi  etc. , as a reminder of any process that has not been well-planned nor organized  will eventually fail. The Kuala Lumpur Peace Process will meet the same fate if the problems and the weaknesses of the previous processes are not addressed.

Previous peaces processes  were done in secrecy  with questionable authority and representation. Both sides came to the table with different agendas. While the fighters' aim was to gauge the  sincerity and commitment of the Thai State to solve the conflict, the Thais came , apart from intelligence gathering, to seek ways to end violence and  at the same time to find out how much control the fighters' representatives have over the militants on the ground. There was no recognition of the fighters , thus they were still considered as terrorists.

The KL Peace Process is a little different. Whatever controversies that aroused  at the beginning , it was open ,with prior official acknowledgement by the then  Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra , a high level representation from the Thais ( The Secretary General of National Security Council ) and Malaysia as the Facilitator. The fighters are referred to as "people who have different ideologies and opinions from the state" with Ustaz Hassan Taib of the BRN (Barisan Revolusi Nasional) as their representative. This is the first time a peace process for Patani is considered official and well-accepted by the regional and international communities.

Although the fighters were "tied-up " with the framework of Thai Constitution in the "General Consensus on Dialogue Process " signed on 28 February 2013 , we still come to the table to seek alternative means ,other than armed struggle, for a JUST, COMPREHENSIVE and  SUSTAINABLE solution of the Patani conflict. We believe that through dialogues and negotiations, violence can be reduced or even stopped entirely, which will eventually lead to determination of the future status of Patani.

There are amongst us those who are skeptical of the KL Process , especially when it was rumored that  the person who has severed the hearts and minds of Patani people in the Kresik and Tak Bai tragedies, the former Thai Prime Minister, was involved. Nevertheless, we accepted  the initiative because Islam has taught us to accept an offer for peace even from an enemy. As quoted  in the Holy Quraan : When they(the enemy) inclines towards peace , thou shall accept it and rely upon Allah. He is the most Hearing and Knowing - from Chapter  Al Anfal verse No. 61. We stepped in while some others were still in doubt and chose to wait and see.

In the initial meetings of the process (first on 28/3/13 and second on 29/4/13) the discussions were on basic matters pertaining to the peace dialogue. There was no negotiation nor any offer whatsoever as rumored.  The early stage should be concentrated  on confidence building for both sides, in secrecy. But what happened was that  the Thai media started to "sound the horn" of criticism, assumptions , accusations  and biased reporting.  The Thai delegation also frequently issued "over- stated" comments  before and after a meeting  .The Thai leaders  indiscriminately  expressed  their views  exposing disunity amongst them . This situation  not only failed to push the process forward  but also putting  it at stake.

In view of unclear road map for the process , on 27/4/13  the BRN posted a video clip over You-Tube  the 5 Preliminary Demands in order to put the process on the right tract. The said demands were later proposed on the dialogue table at the official meeting of 29/4/13.

The Thais were also perceived as only wanted  the militants to end or reduce violence. This became clear  in the subsequent meeting on  13/6/13  when the they  proposed a limited ceased-fire in the coming month of Ramadhan. The BRN spontaneously responded with  a greater offer adding  a few more demands.

Ladies and gentlemen

We are all aware of the outcome of the "Ramadhan Peace Initiative". We have learnt a  great lesson  that any initiative has to be meticulously planned, discussed , scrutinized and mutually agreed by both sides before implementation.

We have observed many weaknesses in this initiative. It was prematurely  planned in a hurry prior to the confidence building measures. There was no mutual planning nor discussion . The announcement made by the Facilitator lacked the full support of the conflicting parties regarding the terms and regulations mentioned in the  7-page  "Terms of Ramadhan Peace Initiative 2013". There was neither official agreement nor signing  pact, thus any party could violate the terms any time. There was neither referee nor  neutral monitoring team in the field to determine the violators. Most of all there was no adequate information made to the public regarding the terms and regulations, protective measures  and complaints in case of violation by any party.

The most distressful incidences were the extrajudicial killings of activists or those accused in the security- related  cases in the first week of Ramadhan. This prompted the BRN to suspend  its involvement in the talks. The message from The Shura Council was declared by the  members of the BRN armed force  via the You-Tube on 6 August 2013. Failure of the Thai side to conform to the terms and regulations contained in the mentioned document  for the cease-fire that they initially proposed has led to total suspension of  the official talks by the BRN until the  5 Preliminary Demands are principally accepted  and endorsed by the Thai Parliament.

Towards the end of August 2013 the Thais requested  detailed interpretation of the five demands, and BRN responded with a 38-page document through the Facilitator. Again, unfortunately ,the Thais  took an extended time to reply whereas  the political situation in the South was unstable and the turmoil in Bangkok  began to take shape. The reply letter from the Head of Thai delegation  dated 25 October 2013  stressed that " The five Preliminary  Demands are acceptable for further discussion ".

That reply however did not meet the expectation of the BRN because it did not specifically noted that  the 5  Preliminary demands are principally accepted for further discussion , and neither was it endorsed by the Thai Parliament as proposed. We opined that if the five demands are not accepted principally, they could be rejected one by one by the Thais . The change of government could also affect the process if the demands are not endorsed as a National Agenda.

Ladies and gentlemen

The KL Peace Process is considered  a failure and dead by many. It was based on the uncertainty of the Thai political crisis  and the withdrawal of Ustaz Hassan Taib as the head BRN  Delegation , as announced  via the You-Tube on 1 December 2013.

But we have to remember that the process was launched officially . Thus far there has been no official statement passed through the official channel of the withdrawal of any party from the process, be it from the BRN , the Thais or the Malaysian Facilitator. Therefore the process is thus considered as being "suspended " due to unfavorable circumstances on the respective sides and will recommence when all obstacles are cleared. 

We, the Patani fighters, are indeed consistently committed  in this process with the existing representatives. The participation of more members for inclusiveness will be upgraded  from time to time and all those representing the Patani  stakeholders  will be known as The Patani Malay Community.

We would like to see the dissemination of information , discussions and active participation of the people of all walks of life ,occupations, backgrounds, races and religions in Patani to understand and be convinced that peace is good for all. Activities of NGOs and CSOs towards supporting of peace should neither be hindered  nor subjected to harassment .

We call upon the government of Thailand to adopt true democracy in providing space and opportunity for all people of Patani to freely  voice their opinions in term of their genuine need for their own benefits  in everyday life , without resorting to violence,  for their Right to Self-Determination  in future  or even talking about "MERDEKA" ( independence). It is sensible for any government  to face its own  people with words and ideas , rather than bullets and bombs. It is also prudent for us to discuss peace today for another 10-15 years rather than to continue fighting for 20-30 more years before starting a peace talk.

We request " people who have different  ideologies and opinions from the State ", especially the Patani fighters, be safely welcomed into Patani to  meet and talk to our people and to the general Thai public. We would wait for  the day when a representative of Patani  fighters be given  the honour  to speak in the Thai Parliament to all the people of Thailand  that we genuinely   seek  JUSTICE, FREEDOM and PEACE.

Finally, we wish to quote the words of the former Leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation(PLO), Mr.Yasser Arafat at the United Nations on 13 November 1974 :

"Today I have come bearing an olive branch and a freedom fighter’s gun. Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand "

and he concluded :

"War erupted in Palestine, and in Palestine peace will be born ".

In a similar manner today, we  wrap up by saying :

" Today we come unarmed, bearing a  BUNGA RAYA  as a symbol  of PEACE . War has also erupted in Patani , and in Patani peace will be born , the land renown as PATANI DARUSSALAM, the  Land of Peace.

 Wassalamualaikum , peace be upon you

Thank you.

Sumber dari: www.deepsouthwatch.org